3in1 Tea

3in1 teaIn the 21st century, everything required by most of the people are fast and convenient as people are always constantly rushing for time to finish what they want to do, they do not have the time to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea by brewing it in the traditional method. As such, the creation of 3in1 tea has given many people a chance to enjoy nice tea without taking too much of their time. Not only is 3in1 tea convenient, it is also affordable to many.

Many of the Westerners may not know the term 3in1 tea, but it can be normally heard from the Asians. The Westerners may name 3in1 tea, instant tea, just like 3in1 tea, instant tea is can be easily made just by adding cold or hot water to the powdered form of tea except that 3in1 tea has sweetener in it which is faster.

By now, you might be wondering how instant tea was produced. If you are aware of the production of 3in1 coffee, then you might know how 3in1 tea is produce as the method of producing these two products are the same.

Black tea leaves and buds are the commonly known tea to produce 3in1 tea but it is advise to use green tea leaves and buds as green tea leaves and buds can bring out the aroma as well as the flavor. The first step is to extract the liquor from processed leaves, tea wastes or undried fermented leaves and then the extract is concentrated at a low temperature to minimize the loss of aroma. After which, the concentrate is dried using one of the methods which are freeze-drying, spraying-drying or vacuum drying.

milk teaAs the time goes by, people are getting bored about the same old original tea, as such there are a few new flavors for 3in1 tea that can be found at the supermarket. The flavors included are 3in1 milk tea, 3in1 ginger tea, 3in1 red dates tea, 3in1 lemon tea and many more. To all the tea lovers out there or coffee lovers who would like a change, time to try something new, head down to the nearest store and grab a packet of your favourite 3in1 tea or the new flavored 3in1 tea.